Grateful - wk12

What Am I Grateful For?
James 1:17

Week 12/Day 6

Hi everyone, it’s Tricia. And in today’s Alone With God journal guide, we will be looking at Day 6 in your journal, titled “What Am I Grateful For This Week?” Take a look with me at that first section that says Answered Prayers. Before I pushed the record button, I was thinking how it’s so amazing that the God of the Universe answers my prayers – our prayers. I don’t know about you, but so often I say a prayer, and when it is answered, I don’t remember to acknowledge it in a more than passing way. I may praise God that the prayer is answered, and then I move on. But since I have been writing down my answered prayers, I have drawn so much closer to God. To realize his blessings, his mercies, his divine forgiveness, and the precious gift of his Son. So many prayers answered. Write your answered prayers here, and feel yourself just being closer to God in the reflection of what he has done. It’s just so indescribably amazing!

And all of that leads us right to the empty lines below. This is where we can focus our hearts on what we are Grateful for this week. Man, when I get in this place of a grateful heart, praise just flows out of me. I feel his presence so full in my life. I love Him so much, and The Holy Spirit moves in me as I give thankful praise to God in writing these down. It’s amazing. So, take the time. Reflect in your heart on what ways God has moved in your life this week, and what you are so thankful for. It’s such a powerful way to meet with God.

James 1:17 (ESV)
17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.

Let’s pray.

Oh, Father, you are amazing. You are the Creator of the sun, moon, and stars! We praise You that you do not change like the shifting shadows that they create! In you there is no inconsistency, no deceitfulness, no darkness. No, God! You are so loving, holy, and kind. You give us good gifts – perfect gifts. They all come from you. Thank you for blessing us with your gifts, so that we, too, may bless others. We love you. We praise you. We thank you. In your all-powerful name Jesus, we pray, amen.