Journal Guide - Fresh Start - Lamentations 3:22-23

Fresh Start
Lamentations 3:22-23

Week 4/Day 4

Hey all, it’s Daisy. And I am inviting you to join me, once again, as we open our Bibles and spend some quality alone time with God together. To follow along with this devotional, you need your Bible, a pen, and a designated journal. Please use our Alone With God journal if you have one. If you do not have one and you would like one, you can order one at

The Alone With God journal is the perfect pair for these devotionals and will really help you practice spending alone time in the scripture. It is such a great tool for transforming your life through the Word of God and creating a really intimate relationship with your Creator.

Today we will be meditating on Lamentations 3:22-23. I will read the verses a couple of times, and then you read the verses on your own to really soak up the scripture. Think about why it’s important.

Lamentations 3:22-23 (NIV)
22 Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.
23 They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

Now, in the Meditate section of your journal, write down what God’s Word is saying here. What are the spiritual principles of this passage? Why does it matter? Think about it and write it down.

I chose these verses today because today was just one of those days where I am really ready for it to be over. And I’m feeling just overwhelmed, and I’m tired. And I was a little cranky today, so I’m not necessarily proud of who I was all day. But what these verses remind me of is the fact that I’m going to go lay my head on a pillow. I’m going to go to sleep; I’m going to rest and recharge. And then, tomorrow is a brand new day. I have a brand new opportunity to experience God’s love and his mercy, and his faithfulness.

And it’s just a refreshing reminder to realize that God really is that loyal. He is constant. He is steadfast. And even though I’m constantly changing and evolving, and my mood can be all over the place, God has his heart steadily fixed on me. And he promised me that no matter how many times I have to repent, he is always willing to embrace me again. And I just love that. That’s so beautiful.

So, let’s apply this scripture to your life. Think about how these verses may relate to your life. Is there a decision that you wish you could take back? Or an area of your life where you want to begin again? And how can you allow God to extend his grace to you? Go ahead and, in the Apply section of your journal page, write down the application to your life today, personally and specifically.

Now, move on to the Respond section of the journal. We’re going to take a moment and respond to God with our actions. So, how can you treat each day this week like it really is a true, fresh start? What would you do differently today if you knew that God wasn’t going to hold a grudge against you? How would you learn from your mistakes and spend your time more wisely moving forward? Think about that and write your written response to God.

And finally, we are going to close in prayer. I will pray for us, and then in the Pray section of your journal, write a prayer of your own to align your heart with God’s on the truth in these verses.

So, let’s pray.

God, thank you for the endless amount of second chances that you give us. Thank you that you are compassionate and eager to forgive us, and that you always place us on a new path each morning. Forgive us when we do not use our days wisely, or when we forget that you are truly our one and only purpose, and that loving you and obeying you is why we are here. Help us to keep our eyes and our hearts fixated on you. And walk with us every step of the way, just like you promise in your Word. In Jesus’ name, amen.
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